About Us » Attendance Policies

Attendance Policies

Meet the 96% Attendance Target!

Did you know that the district expects each student to meet a goal of 96% in seat attendance?

Students are expected to have no more than seven absences in an entire school year.

Each month, children with excellent attendance are recognized.   Those who have no absences and no tardies will be eligible for perfect attendance rewards.

If your child is absent or tardy, please write a note with the reason he or she was out.

Most excused absences are for illness or medical/dental appointments.  However, if a pattern of absences is noted by school staff, parents may be required to provide a note from the doctor or health provider.

Students who are absent 3 times without a valid excuse or have 3 unexcused tardies exceeding 30 minutes are considered Truant.  Please make every effort to schedule travel and other activities during vacations, after school or on weekends. 

For information about the District's attendance policy, click the links below: